Strongtower Broadcast live
The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe. Proverbs 18:10Frequencies Strongtower Broadcast
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Top Songs
Last 7 days:
1. Faith Comes By Hearing - Faith in Focus
2. Bob Dylan - Precious Angel
3. Anointed Michael - Jesus My Bulldozer (feat. Mike Kesse)
4. Brian Doerksen - Psalm 13 (How Long O Lord)
5. Bob Fitts - Blessed Assurance
6. Christafari - Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) [feat. Avion Blackman]
7. Scripture Memory Songs - God Shall Bless Us (Psalm 67:1-2, 7 – NKJV)
8. Elevation Worship - O Come to the Altar
9. Scripture Memory Songs - My God Is My Rock (2 Samuel 22:3 – NIV)
10. Christy Nockels - Who Can Compare
Last 30 days:
1. Faith Comes By Hearing - Faith in Focus
2. Brian Doerksen - Psalm 13 (How Long O Lord)
3. Christy Nockels - Who Can Compare
4. Casting Crowns - No Other Name
5. Anointed Michael - Jesus My Bulldozer (feat. Mike Kesse)
6. Jaci Velasquez - On My Knees
7. William Murphy - Praying For You
8. Elevation Worship - O Come to the Altar
9. Bob Dylan - Precious Angel
10. Keith Green - Grace By Which I Stand